SIP house projects
Your dream home - here and now! Without a big investment, without a long wait! But high quality and saving you money! Yes, that's what Ecohouse SIP house projects are all about! Whether it's a modular home, a prefabricated home - small or large, one design or another - the choice is huge.
Warm in the north, cool in the south.
Ecohouse is an industrial organisation based on the principles of modular design, which draws on the proven experience of the company's leaders and takes into account the vision of the evolution of the housing market.
Durability and attractiveness. The panel system structures are designed and constructed to meet the needs of the northern climate zone.
In terms of ecology and construction technology, wooden panel buildings
ensuring durable, environmentally friendly and high-quality homes for generations to come. This construction technology concept reduces construction time and almost halves the cost and energy wasted on site.
Efficiency.More and more often, we hear and see the words "sustainable energy efficiency" when designing our homes. This means giving the owner the gift of lower running costs.
The focus is on a healthy indoor climate and daylighting as an essential element for energy-efficient housing and sustainable solutions.
You can view the virtual walks here:
Ecohouse Clontarf Project –
Foxbrook Close –
Ecohouse Showroom –
Warm in the north, cool in the south.
Ecohouse is an industrial organisation based on the principles of modular design, which draws on the proven experience of the company's leaders and takes into account the vision of the evolution of the housing market.
Durability and attractiveness. The panel system structures are designed and constructed to meet the needs of the northern climate zone.
In terms of ecology and construction technology, wooden panel buildings
ensuring durable, environmentally friendly and high-quality homes for generations to come. This construction technology concept reduces construction time and almost halves the cost and energy wasted on site.
Efficiency.. Vis dažniau projektuodami namus girdime ir matome žodžius „tvarus energijos efektyvumas“. Tai reiškia, kad savininkui padovanosime mažesnes eksplotacijos išlaidas.
Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas sveikam patalpų klimatui ir dienos šviesai, kaip esminiui elementui, energiją taupančiam būstui ir tvariems sprendimams.
Visual illustrations show what the house could look like when built and furnished. This is the vision of the designer. The final appearance of the house may vary after modifications and other adaptations..
Choice of SIP projects
Ecouhouse's" SIPs come in a wide range of projects - to suit everyone's tastes and needs. So the range is wide. You can choose from a selection of existing options, with visualisations, virtual tours, descriptions and technical specifications. For example, there is the Konigs series of small houses, also known as Mini, and the larger Scheldt and The Danube series (Lodges). All of them differ in design, square footage, dimensions, height and roof (single or gable).
However, if you want a unique or complementary solution for your future home, you can have your own individual project or design it with our designers. SIP technology allows you to build structures with any design and interior ,so you can even limit your imagination! In this case, our specialists will prepare everything you need for the construction, such as the panels and all the other necessary building materials, after agreeing on the project with you. It is also encouraging that all the necessary materials are arranged and packaged in a way that minimises space consumption, allows for proper transport and does not compromise the storage conditions of the materials.
SIP modular or prefabricated houses are also an excellent choice for those who want to build their own homes. Simply prepare a complete set of materials and, once they are delivered to the construction site, the owner can build it himself. This is all the more so as the materials are assembled and all the parts are labelled and the builder is provided with instructions on how to install.
The quality, durability and professionalism of Ecouhouse's panel and modular buildings are backed up by a large portfolio of completed work, which you can browse and choose the SIP project you like!
SIP project prices
First of all, the prices of SIPs are clearly lower than those of conventional houses. Secondly, the price of a SIP project depends on the square footage, the project and, of course, the client's preferences, e.g. whether you only need a set of materials for a 'box' or whether you need an all-in-one solution. It also depends on who will carry out the work - whether the client himself or the Ecohouse team. But it's not just the cost of construction that matters, because even more important is the fact that such a house can save money on running costs. This is simply because the panels are manufactured in such a way that they have high thermal values and other technical features that keep the heat inside and do not "escape" outside.
SIP Homes - a valuable solution! So when you decide on a SIP building, feel free to contact Ecouhouse!
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